Member Directory
Website Video Series (3) - $495 Do you have knowledge about your area of expertise that could help others? Now you can get your product or service in front of a large, local audience with an innovative Experts Corner Video. We will help you write your message in a clear, contemporary video show and then help you distribute it. We make it easy to inform your customers with a template-based HD video featuring you. Each show includes graphics, pictures, video, and audio all assembled using cutting edge production techniques. Business Spotlight- $995 This short form feature video is perfect for small businesses or any type of organization. Get a custom crafted 60-second video for your web site that tells your story and includes editing and custom graphics. Showcase your organization across the web. Please contact Jon to start creating!
DSG Local is offering members of the Phoenixville Regional Chamber of Commerce a FREE, no obligation Local Intelligence Report
10% off all orders for Chamber members everyday.