The Chamber has a series of Roundtable opportunities: CEO, Entrepreneur and Non-Profit.
What is the benefit of Roundtables?
Each session offers an opportunity to meet with like-minded individuals, providing peer insight and an educational component. SCORE (the Service Core of Retired Executives) supplies a veritable educational aspect with its impressive group of individuals with a wide range of work experience. Each Roundtable has a slightly different approach, but the desired end result is the same: connect you to resources that will help you accomplish your goals and lead to a stronger business or organization.
What is CEO Roundtable all about?
CEO Roundtable was created in 2011 by the at-time Board Chairman, Fred Hubler. We wanted to find a way to engage CEOs within the Chamber who may not be able to attend many networking opportunities. These bi-monthly roundtable events allow for CEOs to connect with one another over meaningful and current topics.
Previous discussions have included Human Resources, Regional Developments, and Health Care.
How do I participate?
For both CEO and Entrepreneur Roundtables, individuals are selected to participate. A member of the Chamber Staff may invite you, and if you are interested in participating, contact Jessica, Chamber President/CEO, at