7th Annual Phoenixville Bed Races

7th Annual Phoenixville Bed Races

Saturday, November 02, 2024 7th Annual Phoenixville Bed Races


Join us for the 7th Annual Phoenixville Bed Races!
We have a NEW Plan This Year!

This year WE provide the racing bed! No need to build, store, or transport the racing beds!
Simply DECORATE (yourselves), RAISE (funds to support our work), and RACE (to glory and for the title!)…

Your team will:
1. Create a team theme and costume;
2. Create a banner and/or other removable decorations to adorn the bed while racing that match your theme;
3. Utilize one of our 6 regulation racing beds for your races.

Now more than ever, Ann’s Heart & Good Samaritan Services are working hard to support our community – but they need YOUR help!

Join us on November 2nd, 2024 to support those who work tirelessly to make sure that no one is without a bed to sleep in.
Beds are eligible for the three top prizes of Fastest Bed, Best Team Theme, and Most Funds Raised.
The day will include the races, kids activities, music, great food, and community!
