Phoenixville Public Library’s Adult Spanish Book Club will meet next on Thursday, October 26 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Enjoy a casual discussion, in Spanish, of Crónica de una muerte anunciada by Gabriel García Márquez. A man returns to the town where a baffling murder took place 27 years earlier, determined to get to the bottom of the story. Just hours after marrying the beautiful Angela Vicario, Bayardo San Roman returned his bride in disgrace to her parents. Her distraught family forced her to name her first lover; and her twin brothers vowed to murder Santiago Nasar for dishonoring their sister. As the story unfolds, more is learned but less is understood, and an entire society–not just a pair of murderers–is put on trial. A copy of the book may be reserved at the Library or online at www.ccls.org. This program is a collaboration with Ursinus College, and is free and open to the public. No reservations required. For more information, call Giovanna Steyaert at 610-409-3129. Phoenixville Public Library is located at 183 Second Avenue, Phoenixville, PA.