Books on Tap, Phoenixville Public Library’s book discussion group for adults in their 20s and 30s, will meet next on Tuesday, November 27 at 7:00 PM at PJ Ryan’s Pub, 233 Bridge Street, Phoenixville. They will discuss “Manhattan Beach” by Jennifer Egan.
Anna Kerrigan, nearly 12 years old, accompanies her father to visit Dexter Styles, a man who, she gleans, is crucial to the survival of her father and her family. The sea beyond the house and the charged mystery between the two men captivate her. Years later, her father has disappeared and the country is at war. Anna works at the Brooklyn Naval Yard, where woman are allowed to hold jobs that once belonged to men, now soldiers overseas. She becomes the first female diver, repairing the ships that will help America win the war. One evening at a nightclub she meets Dexter Styles again and begins to understand the complexity of her father’s life and the reasons he might have disappeared. A New York Times Bestseller and winner of the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction.
A copy of the book may be reserved at the Library or at www.ccls.org. This event is free and open to the public. Food and beverages are available for purchase. For more information, contact Christine Shaffer at shaffer.m.christine@gmail.com.