Books on Tap, Phoenixville Public Library’s book discussion group for adults in their 20s and 30s, will meet virtually on Tuesday, December 29 at 7:00 PM. The group will discuss Neuromancer (Sprawl #1) by William Gibson. Winner of the Hugo, Nebula and Philip K. Dick Awards, Neuromancer is a cyberpunk, science fiction masterpiece–a 20th century classic ranking with 1984 and Brave New World. Henry Dorsett Case was the sharpest data thief in the business until vengeful former employees crippled his nervous system. But he gets another chance by a mysterious employer: targeting an unthinkably powerful AI orbiting Earth in service of the sinister Tessier-Ashpool business clan. With a dead man riding shotgun and Molly, mirror-eyed street samurai to watch his back, Case embarks on an adventure that ups the ante on the entire SciFi genre.
A copy of the book may be reserved at www.ccls.org. An eBook and an eAudiobook copy may be reserved at chester.overdrive.com. This event is free and open to the public and will be held online/by phone via Zoom. Email Christine Shaffer at shaffer.m.christine@gmail.com for more information and to receive an invitation to this event.