Books on Tap, Phoenixville Public Library’s book discussion group for adults in their 20s and 30s, will meet next on Tuesday, September 26, 7:30 PM at Molly Maguire’s Restaurant & Pub, 197 Bridge Street, Phoenixville. They will discuss A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay. The book is a chilling domestic drama that blends psychological suspense with a touch of modern horror from a new, brilliantly imaginative master. The lives of the Barretts, a normal suburban New England family, are torn apart when fourteen-year-old Marjorie begins to display signs of acute schizophrenia. To her parents’ despair, the doctors are unable to stop Marjorie’s bizarre outbursts and subsequent descent into madness. As their home devolves into a house of horrors, they reluctantly turn to a local Catholic priest for help. Father Wanderly suggests an exorcism; he believes the vulnerable teenager is the victim of demonic possession. He also contacts a production company that is eager to document the Barretts’ plight for a reality television show. With John, Marjorie’s father, out of work for more than a year and medical bills looming, the family reluctantly agrees to be filmed never imagining that “The Possession” would become an instant hit.
A copy of the book may be reserved at the Library or at www.ccls.org. This event is free and open to the public. Reservations not required. Food and drink not included but will be available for purchase. For more information, contact Lindsay Friedenberg at lfriedenberg@gmail.com.