Chamber 101: A Comprehensive Membership Orientation (January ’17)

Chamber 101: A Comprehensive Membership Orientation (January ’17)

Thursday, January 19, 2017 Chamber 101: A Comprehensive Membership Orientation (January ’17)


This event offers new, existing, and potential members a face-to-face opportunity to make connections with other Chamber members and staff as we provide an overview of the various tools available to market your organization.

Who should attend Chamber 101?
If you are contemplating membership in the Chamber, a new employee of an existing member business, or just want to catch up and reconnect with the Chamber, you should attend Chamber 101.

We will discuss how we promote and serve our members through policy work, advocacy, and partnerships. Learn how we serve the business community and your individual business.

During this session you will:

  1. Get new ideas
  2. Discuss how to get the most out of membership
  3. Meet and network with other Chamber members
  4. Learn about our many programs, services and mission

Don’t miss this chance to learn how you and your employees can take advantage of all the benefits your membership in the Phoenixville Regional Chamber of Commerce has to offer! Designed for both new and longstanding members, the Chamber 101 session will provide an overview of the various tools available to market your organization.

Space is limited; you must register to attend.

Special thanks to our Chamber 101 Sponsor, Phoenix Tax Consultants “The Tax Tacklers”!