Join us for the Inaugural Chester County Pride Fest at Reeves Park in Chester County, PA on Saturday, June 4th from 12-5PM! Enjoy entertainment, food, vendors, and games. The event is open to all ages.
All money raised supports local LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) education programs and support services around Chester County.
We are looking for vendors and sponsors, so please inquire if interested!! Sponsorship forms available.
The event is FREE!!!! Due to parking constraints, we highly recommend using Uber. Stay tuned for event details on our website: www.chestercountypride.org.
Then join us the following day for our Annual Pride Gala Fundraiser at Spring Hollow Country Club. Tickets are $75 and include 5 hours of dinner, dancing, raffles, silent auctions and more. Space is limited to 160 tickets. To register for the gala, Click Here!