Color Run in Memory of Mrs. Trout & Mr. Phipps

Color Run in Memory of Mrs. Trout & Mr. Phipps

Sunday, May 21, 2023 Color Run in Memory of Mrs. Trout & Mr. Phipps


A color run/walk is just like a normal run/walk, but 10 times more fun! Participants will run/walk the route and throughout the route there will be color stations. At these color stations color powder will be throw at participants. After the run participants will see how colorful they got during the run. If participants do not want to have color thrown on them, they can just walk around the station.

-Check in for this run/walk will start at 10:30am and end at 11:00am on Washington Field at Phoenixville High School

-The run/walk will start at around 11:10am.

-The distance of this run/walk will be approximately 1.5 miles.

-Please wear a white t-shirt and bring sunglasses to wear! (there will be a limited supply of shirts for sale)

-If you are not able to attend the run, please consider clicking donate in the runsignup link to support this amazing cause

-It’s strongly suggested to sign up in advance and you must sign up through

-Registration is open until the start of the event

-All ages can participate

-This run/walk will not be timed

-There will be a DJ and Fire Trucks for the participants and spectators enjoyment.

-Spectators are welcome

-There will also be a Kona Water ice truck there and a bake sale for participants to purchase some goods post-run. All proceeds from the bake sale go to PCEF and 20% of the Kona water ice.

-For updates on the run/walk follow colorrunforcancer on Instagram

-Race is nonrefundable.