Discover the High School

Discover the High School

Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Discover the High School


“What I like about the Waldorf School is, quite simply, its graduates…They are interesting people. They can converse intelligently on almost any issue, because they have been taught to examine. They can be enormously sympathetic to almost anyone’s plight because they have been taught to tolerate. They can gracefully dance or score a goal because they have been taught to move. They can circulate among the various groups on campus and engage in a variety of activities because they have been taught to harmonize.”

The teenage years are a time of questions. High School students ask:
What can I learn from the world around me?
How has the world around me come about?
Why does injustice exist?
Who do I need to become to make a difference in the world?

Students move from the concrete world of observational comparisons into the critical world of conceptual analysis and synthesis. A new questioning about life and the personal search for truth mark the beginning of the high school years. Our high school curriculum is designed to give young people resources for their inner journey of development. What was earlier approached through imagination and pictures is now approached through analytical thinking. What was experienced with great intensity of feeling can now be reexamined with newly awakened faculties of personal judgment and critical thought. Teachers craft experiences which sharpen students’ growing intellectual capacities and strengthen their powers of judgment, while students take on more responsibilities for their own education. The science and math curricula train students’ capacities for clear thinking and observation to enable them to judge what is true. The humanities allow the students to apply their newfound thinking capacities to moral questions as well as to quests for meaning, freedom and individuality. The arts provides balance and develop powers of observation, while also allowing content to be experienced through other parts of their being, not just through the intellect.

The High School at Kimberton Waldorf School provides a rich, rigorous, academic experience for students. We will visit each grade during main lesson to experience a bit of our academically diverse high school curriculum. We will have an opportunity to hear about some of the unique experiences that our students participate in, including international exchange, outdoor education, social service, college counseling, vocational practicum and electives.

Open to the public and current Kimberton families. Spaces are limited in each session so please register by calling the admissions office at 610.933.3635 x108 or by email at