Financial Reality Fair – Volunteers Needed

Financial Reality Fair – Volunteers Needed

Friday, November 22, 2019 Financial Reality Fair – Volunteers Needed


We will be hosting a Financial Reality Fair on Friday, November 22nd for our high school students.  Together with TruMark Financial Credit Union, we are seeking 35 volunteers to support this event.  Basically, a Financial Reality Fair is an opportunity for students to learn budgeting basics – a critical and necessary life skill.  During this Financial Reality Fair, students visit 14 different stations manned by volunteers, to figure out their budgets for housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food – and some not so basics like technology, entertainment, and travel.
Volunteers do not need to provide financial advice rather just a dose of reality.  Do you have anyone who might be interested in volunteering for this event?
If you know of anyone interested in helping, please ask them to complete the following sign-up form so that we can make arrangements for the day.
I am sure that you have additional questions.  Please let me know how I should follow up with those who may be interested in volunteering.
Thank you, in advance, for your consideration of this request for volunteers.


Financial Reality Fair

 What is a Financial Reality Fair?

Financial Reality Fair is a hands-on experience in which students, after identifying their career choice and starting salaries, are provided a budget sheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food – and some not-so-basics like entertainment and travel.

Along the way, there are many temptations for additional spending, and students must learn to balance their wants and needs to potentially live on their own. After they have visited the various booths covering components of independent living, students will spin the “Wheel of Reality” to see which one of life’s surprises they’ll have to add or subtract from their bottom line. They will then balance their budget, and sit down with a financial counselor to review their standing.

The Fair is a unique opportunity for each student to experience some of the financial challenges they will face when they start life on their own.

An important feature of a responsible financial lifestyle is saving. In the Financial Reality Fair experience, students are encouraged to save a minimum of 10% of their income. Financial Counselors explore the importance of planning for future needs and preparing for future financial challenges through savings. The Fair will tempt students to spend their income on “fun,” but the financial counselors will bring the focus back to saving and thrift practices.

The Purpose

1. Increase financial literacy among our youth

2. To engage them in their preferred style of learning (Experiential Learning)

3. Create financial awareness at an early age

The Benefits

1. Hands-on, real-life experience

2. A better understanding of earnings, spending, budgeting and savings

3. Instills the importance of sound financial habits

Claire Powers

Senior Project Coordinator
Renaissance Academy
413 Fairview Street
Phoenixville, PA 19460


For more information:

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