Phoenixville Public Library will host a free online event for writers, “Flash Fiction: A Jumpstart for Your Creative Writing”, on Thursday, September 23 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Flash fiction, stories of 1000 words or less, offer an opportunity for all writers to polish their writing skills and leverage their creativity quickly. Gary Zenker, founder of the Main Line Writers Group and the Wilmington-Chadds Ford Writers group will cover the basics of writing great flash fiction. Then, using his writers’ game WritersBloxx, he will lead the group to writing on the spot and sharing their stories with other participants to compare and contrast different approaches. Gary Zenker’s flash fiction creations have been published in various anthologies and online sites, including Chicken Soup For The Soul: Laughter, three Running Press anthologies and two Celestial Echo anthologies.
This event is free and open to the public and will be held online via Zoom. Registration is required at https://ccls.libcal.com/calendar/Phoenixville/flash-fiction or by calling 610-933-3013 x132. Email mpinto@ccls.org for more information.