French Fries to Foodies

French Fries to Foodies

Thursday, September 07, 2017 French Fries to Foodies


Thursday, September 7, 2017
Oaks Branch
5:30p – 6:00p Networking/Reception
6:00p – 7:30p Workshop

Click here to sign up

Find out:
•What your kids need to be healthy and why.
•What surprisingly common ‘kids foods” can contribute to allergies. ADHD, and weight gain.
•Simple strategies that will make meal time more peaceful – even fun.
•The simple mindset shift that opens kids up to trying new food – and loving them.
•A game plan that works for kids from 4 to 14 and beyond.

Emi Kirschner is a speaker and co-author of Get Results! Learn the Fast Track to Success in Life and Business, she Specializes in stress management.