Healing Through Food

Healing Through Food

Saturday, April 24, 2021 Healing Through Food


Today’s healthcare system can more accurately be described as “sick care” — treating symptoms of disease while rarely addressing the source. What if someone told you that there’s an inexpensive, easy way to prevent or reverse chronic disease that doesn’t include doctor visits or pharmacy trips? Spend an evening with Dr. Ana Negrón learning how to heal your body right in your own kitchen, including a Zoom seminar, a home-cooked whole foods plant based meal and an inspiring film.

Reserve your spot at our Healing Through Food fundraiser and find more details at www.theclinicpa.org/food!

$100 event fee provides you with:
– Basket of dinner ingredients and recipes to prepare dinner for TWO
– Educational Zoom session with Dr. Negrón
– Dr. Negrón’s book, Nourishing the Body and Recovering Health: The Positive Science of Food
– Voucher to watch the documentary Code Blue, featuring Dr. Negrón