Juneteenth Celebration

Juneteenth Celebration

Friday, June 19, 2020 Juneteenth Celebration


We would like to invite you to a virtual community event sponsored by The Colonial Theatre and supported by Black Light Projects, Diversity In Action, Orion Communities, and The Historical Society of the Phoenixville Area.  Please see the attached information for details and share with your friends, family and distribution group.

Leading up to Juneteenth, let’s support the wonderful work of our friends at Black Light Projects shining light on the wonderfully rich heritage of Phoenixville’s African American Community.  The Colonial Theatre is offering virtual screenings of three important films described below and in the attached flyer.  Through June 12 to June 19 the Theatre will donate 50% of ticket proceeds to benefit Black Light Projects.  All films are available through the Colonial Theatre website: https://thecolonialtheatre.com/