Community Day October 7, 2017
The Kiwanis Club of Phoenixville will be sponsoring our annual Community Day in Reeves Park on Saturday, October 7, 2017 from 8am to 3pm. There is a rain date of October 14. The cost for a 10’ x 10’ space will be $15 in advance (payment received before October 5th) and $20 the day of the event. We will be intermixing community groups and flea market vendors around the perimeter of the park. Food vendors will be located within the park. If you wish to sell food, the food vendor price will be $75 and you MUST complete the Chester County Health Department Temporary Event Form and submit a copy to the Kiwanis Club. This does not include bake sales, which you may hold at your booth without completing the health form. There will also be many additional activities going on in the park and at the bandshell. It is our intent to make this a true Community Day, with involvement from multiple groups in Phoenixville, entertainment and food vendors. Because of the increased involvement of multiple community groups, we anticipate that there will be significantly more foot traffic in the park on the day of this event. Based on the feedback we received from vendors last year, Third Avenue will be open, with parking on both sides. However, Main Street will be closed between Second and Third Avenues from 8 am through 3 pm to showcase the equipment of area fire companies.