7 panelists to discuss coming out journey or experience as a parent and ally, followed by open forum for questions and comments.
What: Discussion focus on positivity, confidence, and acceptance.
Join us for refreshments social afterward for further community building.
Who: 7 Panelists—Lesbian woman, Gay men, Transgender man and woman, Parent of transgender young man, + Professor of Human Sexuality / LGBT ally.
Where: Congregation B’nai Jacob; Starr + Manavon Streets (at corner); Phoenixville, PA, 19460
Parking along both sides of Starr Street and in small synagogue lot off Manavon Street.
Note: Snow Date – Sun, Mar 4, 1-3pm (same location).
View website for updates: https://www.lgbteachesco.org/events/lgbt-discussion-panel/
Proudly Co-Sponsored by: LGBT Equality Alliance + The LGBT Center of Reading