Listen In: Addressing Food Insecurity to Nourish Our Future

Listen In: Addressing Food Insecurity to Nourish Our Future

Saturday, June 15, 2024 Listen In: Addressing Food Insecurity to Nourish Our Future


First Presbyterian Church of Phoenixville has advocated for hunger relief with Bread for the World since 2005, mainly by writing letters to our elected officials.

In more recent years, we have expanded our letter-writing campaign to have multiple campaigns within a year and we feel this is the year we want to advocate more for our local community, national, and world.

Activities include:
Speakers from the Phoenixville Community will share how hunger has impacted their work and lives. Live Music. Personal Testimonies.
Letter writing to government officials to support the Farm Bill and including personal testimonies or what you’ve learned today.
Service Project for Phoenixville Nonprofit(s) focused on relieving hunger.

Registration/sponsorship link: