Loans to Small Businesses with Assistance from The Small Business Administration – Virtual

Loans to Small Businesses with Assistance from The Small Business Administration – Virtual

Tuesday, May 05, 2020 Loans to Small Businesses with Assistance from The Small Business Administration – Virtual


Let’s Talk: Loans to Small Businesses with Assistance from The Small Business Administration – Virtual 
May 5, 2020 | 1pm to 2:30 pm 
In Partnership with Western Chester County Chamber & Downingtown-Thorndale Chamber
Join Kimberly B. Stout, Economic Development & Lender Relations Specialist with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Philadelphia District Office, as she discusses small business loans. In her current role, Kimberly is responsible for promoting the SBA lending programs and maintaining a network of collaborative partners to assist, promote, and protect small businesses.
As a small business, sometimes receiving “financing” (borrowed money) is called “getting credit” and a bank is said to “extend credit” to a loan recipient. This workshop will help you prepare to become credit ready and discuss new and existing sources of business funding. 
Topics covered will include:
  • What lenders look for in a loan applicant (the “Five C’s of Credit”)
  • What a credit score is and why it matters
  • What’s included in a loan application, including the importance of a Business Plan and cash flow projections and assumptions, AND avoiding predatory lending practice
  • Updates on SBA Disaster Assistance due to COVID-19.