Run, Donate, Feast… But most importantly get involved!
What better way to round out Halloween weekend than to get into some mischief! Join us October 30th for Mischief Morning with Freedoms Foundation! Our Halloween themed morning starts with Superheroes vs. Villains 5K, followed by a pancake breakfast. All runners of all ages are welcomed. Want to be a different type of hero? We will be hosting a blood drive on campus for those able to go the extra mile.
Proceeds of Mischief Morning will be going towards scholarships for students to attend our educational programs.
5K registration includes a t-shirt and one ticket to pancake breakfast. Day of Registration will not be guaranteed a t-shirt. Registrations after October 17th will not be guaranteed a t-shirt. Packet pick-up will be available Friday October 28th and Saturday the 29th, times TBD.
Get your running shoes on and best costume ready! Awards and prizes will be given to top finishers and best superhero/villain themed costumes.
Race directed by Chester County Running Store.
For more information about the event and sponsorship opportunities email the event coordinator: ssisson@ffvf.org
5K Registration: $30 includes t-shirt and one ticket to pancake breakfast
Pancake Breakfast Ticket Only- Adult: $10
Pancake Breakfast Ticket Only- Children 12 and Under: $5
Day of Registration for 5K- $35
To register visit our website: http://www.freedomsfoundation.org/5k