Nonviolent Conflict Resolution

Nonviolent Conflict Resolution

Saturday, March 30, 2019 Nonviolent Conflict Resolution


9:30 AM – 2 PM
9:00 AM Check-in & coffee, tea, light breakfast*
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM Workshop begins promptly
1:00 PM Complimentary lunch for all participants*

Come for a half day workshop in which you will acquire non-violent skills to deal with
disruptive and potentially violent situations in new and creative ways. This fully experiential
workshop will be facilitated by certified trainers from the Alternatives to Violence
Project (AVP). All AVP workshops draw on the shared experience of participants, using
interactive exercises, discussions, games, and role-plays to examine the ways we respond to
situations where injustice, prejudice, frustration, and anger can lead to violent behavior.

An AVP workshop can help you to:
 deal more effectively with risk and threatening situations
 approach conflict in a more creative and less reactive manner
 communicate constructively in difficult situations
 recognize the conflict management skills you already have
 understand why conflict happens
 build good relationships with other people
 manage strong feelings such as anger and fear

A goodwill offering for the AVP facilitator is requested

* Food is provided by St. Peter’s Pantry and Phoenixville Ecumenical Meal Program

RSVP: Gary Russell /