Overcoming Cybersecurity Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Overcoming Cybersecurity Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Thursday, September 17, 2020 Overcoming Cybersecurity Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The webinar, 1 to 2 p.m., hosted by Jon Clay, Mitchel Chang and Kristin Judge, will help you gain some awareness and will provide recommendations on cybercrime defense. The key areas discussed will include:
  • A threat landscape update with an emphasis on what has changed since the COVID pandemic
  • Threat protection for small businesses focusing on phishing, smishing, business email compromise (BEC) and general cybersecurity hygiene for working and schooling from home
  • A cybercrime and fraud/scam update since the COVID pandemic

Cybercrimes have spiked during the COVID pandemic. In April 2020, the FBI reported an almost 300% increase in cybercrime cases. We are also seeing a huge increase of COVID-19 related phishing and business email compromise (BEC) attempts.

Unfortunately, small businesses are the most vulnerable cybercrime targets. Unlike large enterprises, small businesses may not have adequate resources to protect themselves.

Jon Clay

About the presenters:

  Jon Clay, director of Global Threat Communications. Trend Micro has worked in the cybersecurity space for over 24 years.  He is responsible for managing marketing messages and external publication of all the threat research and intelligence within Trend Micro as well different core technologies.

Mitchel Chang

Mitchel Chang  heads Trend’s CSR and the Trend Micro Initiative for Education—bringing his passion to make a safer digital world, decades of industry experience, and proven successes as a leader. He engages nonprofit and government organizations to help promote digital education outreach efforts.

Kristin Judge

As a thought leader, Kristin Judge, CEO Cybercrime Support Network, has been seen on the C-SPAN Network, local news outlets and called on by technology publications like SC Magazine and Government Technology, to share best practices for online safety.

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