The Phoenix Book Club, Phoenixville Public Library’s virtual book discussion group for adults of all ages, will meet on Zoom Monday, September 11 at 7:00 PM. The group will discuss Colson Whitehead’s bestselling novel, Harlem Shuffle. Ray Carney is an upstanding salesman of reasonably-priced furniture, married, second child on the way, living in a cramped apartment across from the railroad tracks. And–Ray Carney descends from uptown hoods and crooks, so–money tight–his cousin occasionally drops off some jewelry of questionable origins. It doesn’t stop there–now the “crew” wants to pull off a major heist. Can Ray avoid getting killed, save his cousin, and grab his share of the big score–and retain his rep? A physical or audiobook copy may be reserved at https://chesp.na.iiivega.com. An eBook or eAudiobook copy may be reserved at https://www.chester.overdrive.com. The public is invited to attend. If you are not already on the Book Club’s email list, registration is required at https://ccls.libcal.com/calendar/Phoenixville/harlem-shuffle or by calling 610-933-3013 x132 to receive the Zoom link. Email mpinto@ccls.org for more information.