Retail Check In – via Zoom

Retail Check In – via Zoom

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 Retail Check In – via Zoom


Retail Check-In with Chamber
Check in with the Chamber and fellow members!
Weekly, we will discuss updates on PPP, EIDL and Unemployment Comp details; and can address questions and ideas we all have as we plan for a new normal and re-entries.
Feel free to continue to send questions to as you have them!
You can save this link, and use week over week.
opic: Retail Check-In with Chamber
Time: May 12, 2020 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Every week on Tue, until Jun 2, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)
    May 12, 2020 08:30 AM
    May 19, 2020 08:30 AM
    May 26, 2020 08:30 AM
    Jun 2, 2020 08:30 AM
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