“We recognize childhood as a valid and authentic time unto itself and not just preparation for schooling.”
Rosebud Garden represents a special part of the early childhood program at Kimberton Waldorf School for children ages 18 months to four. Rosebud Garden is situated in an old farmhouse, built in 1845, with a deep history in our farming community. It has two separate, but adjoining, homelike classrooms filled with beauty and order. Our curriculum is play based and encourages unstructured child initiated play which promotes healthy physical development in a safe environment. We build on a foundation for deep lifelong literacy through storytelling, puppetry, finger plays, singing, painting and poetry.
Outside, we have gardens for growing herbs and vegetables, a cob oven for baking, a chicken coop where we keep our brood, and a garden shed for storing play things and gardening tools. When visiting Rosebud Garden, it’s common to find children playing in the sand box, climbing a tree, meandering through our community-built forest or pushing a child-sized, wooden wheelbarrow.
Come and experience a little bit of our Rosebud Garden program during a special Saturday morning play and story hour led by our preschool and parent-child teachers. Registration is requested but not required.
This event is held at Rosebud Garden, which is located at 221 Hickory Grove Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460.
Please register by calling Tammi in admissions at 610.933.3635 x108.