Spinal Health and Wellness for All Ages

Spinal Health and Wellness for All Ages

Monday, August 14, 2017 Spinal Health and Wellness for All Ages


Phoenixville Public Library will host a free presentation, “Spinal Health and Wellness for All Ages”, on Monday, August 14 at 7:00 PM. Dr. Jim Schaffer of Kimberton Chiropractic will be the speaker. Join Dr. Jim for a discussion of some important health and wellness topics dealing with your spine and nervous system, how the body functions as a whole, and how you can improve your everyday life and overall health. Special attention will be given to how to keep your children (and their spines) as healthy as possible as they start the new school year. Free healthy snacks and green smoothies will be served.

When he was a child, Dr. Jim’s father saw a chiropractor for years as-needed. His father thought the job description—as he saw it from his patient perspective—might be a perfect fit for Jim, since he’d always exhibited lots of energy, motivation to follow his own path and a desire to help people. So Jim headed off to Penn State where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science, then went on to receive his Doctorate from the PA College of Straight Chiropractic. His wife, Lisa, is both his partner in life as they raise four children, and the office manager at his practice. He has been helping patients and families for over 23 years. His practice is a family-based wellness center with an emphasis on whole-family health.

This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required on the Adult Events Calendar at www.phoenixvillelibrary.org or by calling 610-933-3013 x132.