Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault

Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault

Monday, April 16, 2018 Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault


April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Phoenixville Public Library will host a free panel presentation, “Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault”, on Monday, April 16 at 7:00 PM. The presenters, from the Lower Merion School District, are Dermot Anderson, School Counselor; Becky Bowlby, College Access Counselor; and Janet Pudlinski, Mental Health Counselor. Learn the facts about sexual assault, how to protect yourself and how to be a good bystander to protect others. Issues of consent and establishing healthy relationships will also be addressed. Though this program was initially created to help students transition from high school to college or the workplace, the culture of sexual assault in general and its prevalence in every career field will be discussed.

This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required on the Adult Events Calendar at or by calling 610-933-3013 x132. Phoenixville Public Library is located at 183 Second Avenue, Phoenixville, PA.