The 19th annual French Creek Iron Tour – Cycling for Open Space and Trails

The 19th annual French Creek Iron Tour – Cycling for Open Space and Trails

Sunday, June 13, 2021 The 19th annual French Creek Iron Tour – Cycling for Open Space and Trails


The 19th annual French Creek Iron Tour – Cycling for Open Space and Trails  

In-Person on Sunday, June 13, 2021, Virtual Saturday, June 5 – Sunday, June 13. 

Information and registration at

Kimberton Fire Company Fairgrounds, Phoenixville, PA or Forge Your Own Adventure!   

Join over 1,000 riders for scenic cycling through Iron Furnace country and have a blast! With seven road courses ranging from 11 to 100 miles and even a Gravel Grinder, there’s a ride for everyone! Introduced in 2019, the 70-mile Gravel Grinder includes the most scenic gravel roads and trails in the area.  

French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust preserves, protects and connects people to the land in northern Chester County where iron blast furnaces and forges served as cornerstones of industry in colonial Pennsylvania – hence, “Iron Tour”.  When you ride in the Iron Tour, you have a direct impact on the preservation of the pristine countryside that surrounds you. Since 1967, French & Pickering has protected over 13,000 acres in northern Chester County.