You’ve heard his unforgettable music in such iconic films as Citizen Kane, Psycho, Vertigo, North by Northwest, and Taxi Driver. Phoenixville Public Library is pleased to host the presentation, “The Life and Film Music of Bernard Herrmann” on Monday, November 26 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. The evening will feature an appearance by Dorothy Herrmann, daughter of the composer. Dorothy will screen part of the Oscar-nominated documentary, Music for the Movies: Bernard Herrmann, speak about life with her father, and take questions from the audience.
Dorothy Herrmann is the elder daughter of Bernard Herrmann and Lucille Fletcher, author of Sorry, Wrong Number, the famous radio play and film. A biographer, she has published books about the lives of Helen Keller, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and the American humorist, S.J. Perelman. She lives in Philadelphia with Violet, her black miniature poodle.
This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required on the Adult Events Calendar at www.phoenixvillelibrary.org or by calling 610-933-3013 x132. Phoenixville Public Library is located at 183 Second Avenue, Phoenixville, PA.