The Long Trains Roll: Nazi Saboteurs at Horseshoe Curve

The Long Trains Roll: Nazi Saboteurs at Horseshoe Curve

Thursday, March 07, 2024 The Long Trains Roll: Nazi Saboteurs at Horseshoe Curve


Phoenixville Public Library will host a free living history presentation, “The Long Trains Roll: Nazi Saboteurs at Horseshoe Curve”, on Thursday, March 7 at 6:45 PM. Professional living historian Ken Serfass will be the presenter.

When the United States entered World War II in late 1941, Altoona became an important part of the war effort being the most important rail connection between the Midwest and the east coast’s shipping ports. To strike at the Pennsylvania Railroad and specifically the Horseshoe Curve would have hindered America’s ability to move troops, war material, and natural resources necessary to support the fighting in both theaters. Most important was the propaganda value of such a terror attack, at least as Hitler saw it. In June of 1942, four highly trained Nazi saboteurs came ashore in Long Island, and tried to move inland to their assigned targets across the eastern seaboard, but were foiled along the way. Horseshoe Curve proved so vital in its military value that it was fenced off and under 24-hour military guard until 1946. The tale of these Germans is little known, but fascinating, and reflected now in a time of international terror attacks across the globe.

Telling the story for you as a PRR trainman, Ken will rely on historical research and his own practical experience as a railroad brakeman with various tourist railroads in Pennsylvania to give a credible account of those times on the “Standard Railroad of the World”, and the stress and excitement of working with steam locomotives in this interesting period. Enjoy the combination of history in railroading, World War Two, and even the politics of fighting terrorism as the stories tie together the plight of the Nazi attempts on some of our most important assets of the 1940s.

This event is free and open to the public. The program will also be livestreamed on Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Registration is required at or by calling 610-933-3013 x132. Email for more information. Phoenixville Public Library is located at 183 Second Avenue, Phoenixville, PA.