The Real “Secret” of Intention

The Real “Secret” of Intention

Monday, March 30, 2015 The Real “Secret” of Intention


Presented by
Dr. Linda Bender
Bender Healing

in the Community Education Room

The popular book and movie The Secret speaks to the law of attraction or intention. This is the basis of Huna (“secret”), an ancient tribal belief system of the Hawaiian people. However, the book teaches only a portion of the system, selling people on the idea of getting what you want by setting an intention, similar to making wishes. While this works for some people, it is only part of the system. Linda reviews other basic aspects of the real “secret”, including right heart, right thinking and right actions.

This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required on the Adult Events Calendar at or by calling 610-933-3013, Ext. 132.