The Stories That Formed Us (online)

The Stories That Formed Us (online)

Thursday, June 18, 2020 The Stories That Formed Us (online)


How did I get here? What am I a part of? Phoenixville Public Library will host a free online presentation, “The Stories That Formed Us”, on Thursday, June 18 at 7:00 PM. Lowell Gustafson will be the speaker. Our memories of the past and stories of times before ourselves form us into who we are now. There are great story tellers from many times and cultures who make us who we are today. These are often recorded in writing as well as art and architecture. And then we have learned how to read much older stories told to us by light, stones, bones, and blood. These stories too tell us how we got here, what we are a part of, and challenge us to be as creative as nature has been. This presentation has been created especially for Phoenixville Public Library, one of those time machines that can transport us to the past to learn how the past shaped us.

Dr. Lowell Gustafson is a professor in the Department of Political Science at Villanova University and President of the International Big History Association. He has a B.A. in history and philosophy from North Park College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia. He has written several books on history and international relations, in addition to numerous journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings.

This event is free and open to the public, and will be held online via Zoom. Registration is required on the Adult Events Calendar at to receive an invitation to this online event, which will be e-mailed a few days prior to the event. For more information, e-mail