Trends in College Admissions

Trends in College Admissions

Monday, March 25, 2019 Trends in College Admissions


Phoenixville Public Library will host a must-see workshop for college students and their parents, “Trends in College Admissions”, on Monday, March 25 at 7:00 PM. Dr. Kevin Bukatman of College Planning Service America will tell you what’s new, what’s trending, and insights into the best way to apply for a student’s top colleges of choice. Attendees will learn the hard and soft factors of college admissions, what “informed interest” is, early admission options, whether being wait-listed is a good thing, why more students are transferring, using technology to your advantage, and other topics.

Dr. Kevin L. Bukatman, Founder and President of College Planning Service America, has been a consultant for families of college-bound students since 2006. He obtained his master’s degree and doctorate from Boston College. For eighteen years, he was an educator and administrator for several private schools and public school districts in Boston and New York. He was a summer sleep-away camp director and has dedicated his professional life to working with high school and college-aged students and their families to enhance their learning experiences and provide crucial information to create their personal and professional success.

This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required on the Adult Events Calendar at or by calling 610-933-3013 x132. Phoenixville Public Library is located at 183 Second Avenue, Phoenixville, PA.