It’s time for our 2nd Annual Virtual Karaoke Competition!
Make a video of you singing your heart out, send it to Health Care Access and encourage friends and family to vote!
First Place – $500!
Second Place – $250
Third Place $100
*winners determined by the number of votes! 1 vote is $1 but you can vote as many times as you like and for as many performers as you wish!
SPECIAL NONPROFIT CATEGORY – All Participating Nonprofits will earn votes just like a normal submission.
However, instead of a few prizes, ALL participating nonprofits will earn 50% of their votes!
We want to share the wealth and the fun with all of our nonprofit neighbors!
The Rules:
-One submission per person or group
-Songs must be family friendly
-Try to keep recordings under 5 minutes
Important Dates
Wednesday, February 23 – Submissions Due by NOON
Friday, February 25 – Voting BEGINS
Friday, March 4 – Winners announced on Facebook!
Videos can be sent to nmccourt@hcaphoenixville.org or tshantz@hcaphoenixville.org
More Information at https://givegrove.com/hcakaraoke2022/