Volunteer English Program Phoenixville Tutor Training Workshop

Volunteer English Program Phoenixville Tutor Training Workshop

Thursday, March 23, 2017 Volunteer English Program Phoenixville Tutor Training Workshop


This is a 3 night workshop taking place on Mon.-3/20/2017, Thurs.-3/23/2017 and Tues.-3/28/2017 from 6 to 9 pm. It prepares interested volunteers to tutor a non-native English speaking adult one-to-one. Participation of at least 1 year is required, and the ability to tutor twice a week for 1.5 hours in a public place is expected. Proficiency in English is needed, but a teaching background is not necessary. VEP tutors come from all walks of life. Cost for materials, refreshments and training time is $35.00.