Young Professionals Networking Event (YPN) with the Phoenixville Jaycees (June ’16)

Young Professionals Networking Event (YPN) with the Phoenixville Jaycees (June ’16)

Tuesday, June 07, 2016 Young Professionals Networking Event (YPN) with the Phoenixville Jaycees (June ’16)


Welcome to Phoenixville Young Professionals!

The Phoenixville Chamber and the Jaycees have worked together to form a Young Professional Networking Group in the Phoenixville Area. This event series has been formed for business minded people aged 21 to 40 to gather in a relaxed atmosphere to network with like-minded individuals.

Join us to mix and mingle with other young professionals.

Refreshments will be provided with a cash bar! This month, the Barrel will be holding a Build-Your-Own Taco Tuesday with Chips and Salsa also provided.

Be sure to bring plenty of business cards!

Visit the Young Professionals Networking Facebook Page here!

PLEASE NOTE: Starting in 2016, YPN will be held on the first Tuesday of each Month!