Camphill Soltane to host Golf Outing

Camphill Soltane to host Golf Outing

September 22, 2014 Camphill Soltane to host Golf Outing


Join Camphill Soltane and golf at the French Creek Golf Club on Monday, October 13 in support of Camphill Soltane.  Camphill Soltane offers educational and vocational programs for young adults and adults with special needs in a nurturing community environment.  They support each individual with special needs in identifying and enhancing their unique gifts, enabling them to contribute to society in meaningful ways and to lead lives filled with purpose.

Their 25 year history has allowed them to build a solid foundation and they are driving forward by offering additional programs and living options outside of our Nantmeal Road community for students, postgrads, residents and coworkers.  Your financial support will make it possible for them to continue to broaden their reach and to build bridges between Camphill Soltane the wider community.  Sign up for the “Above Par” golf event today and partner with them in this exciting growth process.  To register or be an event sponsor, visit their event website today at or call Sue at 484.986.4412 for additional information.