(F.O.C.U.S. – FOR OUR CHILDREN’S UNCOMPROMISED SAFETY) “A Community Tradition in our 24th Year”
Planning is underway for the 24th annual Phoenixville Post-Prom party. The annual post-prom celebration is for the Juniors and Seniors of the Phoenixville Area High School. Our goal is to provide our children a fun and safe after-prom alternative to other post prom activities where there might be drugs or alcohol, no parental supervision, or situations that could lead to destructive behavior. Thankfully, we have been able to provide a fantastic celebration for the students for over two decades and counting. Last year we had approximately 250 students attend.
This event is provided at NO COST to all Juniors and Seniors, whether they attend the prom or not. In addition, prom guests of Junior and Seniors regardless of grade or school affiliation may attend too. If you would like to discuss how your business can provide sponsorship, please email us at Phxpostprom@gmail.com. Or contact Ali Schlosser directly at alischlosser@comcast.net
The post-prom event is only possible through financial or material donations. There are many ways for your business to support this year’s event. For more info–see attached PDF.