The Kehillah of Chester County presents the 3rd Annual Summer Shorts Jewish Film Festival

The Kehillah of Chester County presents the 3rd Annual Summer Shorts Jewish Film Festival

July 13, 2016

Join us in the Colonial Theatre’s 3rd Floor screening room for an eight-session film festival and discussion series of  contemporary international Jewish short films.

Screening dates are every Wednesday, July 13th through August 31st from 7:45 PM to 9:30 PM.

Seating is limited and reservations are encouraged. $10 suggested donation per session at the door (cash or check made out to Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, memo: Kehillah of Chester County Film Festival). Please call 484-582-0210 or email to make reservations.

For more information about this and other Chester County Jewish community programs and activities contact Shelley Rappaport, Kehillah Director, at (484) 582-0210 or

To view the entire Summer Shorts Line-up, Click Here!

The preceding release was sent to us by the Association for the Colonial Theatre.