New Interim President University of Valley Forge

New Interim President University of Valley Forge

December 16, 2016 New Interim President University of Valley Forge

As the fall semester ends at the University of Valley Forge (UVF), the institution looks forward to the beginning of a new year and a new semester. Last week, Dr. Byron Klaus, who served as interim president since July of this year, stepped down from his role due to his wife’s health. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees has invited Dr. Ron McManus, to step in as the new interim president beginning in January.

Dr. McManus is a respected leader in the Assemblies of God (AG). His background in leadership training will bring strategic knowledge to our university. His experience includes serving as a lead pastor, a district denominational executive, a member of numerous college and seminary boards, and president of a not-for-profit organization. He currently is a member of the AG Coaching Board and is national consultant for the Church Transformation Initiative. As interim president, Dr. McManus will help lead the university through a season of organizational restructuring.

UVF, like most Christian schools, is facing challenging times. In response, administration, faculty, staff and Board of Trustees members have united to build a stronger foundation, and ensure a bright future for our university and its students. A “Task Force for Economic Sustainability,” comprised of finance, business and academic experts has been created and has now begun implementation of a new university strategy and plan. The plan includes organizational restructuring and economic efficiencies. The university is focused on addressing both current needs and preparing for a long and bright future.

UVF is already seeing God’s provision through the support from friends and alumni. Now is the time to help continue this positive momentum, through prayer and/or financial support.

As the UVF Presidential Search Committee makes progress in the selection of the next president, the university remains optimistic about its future. We will continue to focus on our mission to “prepare individuals for a life of service and leadership in the church and in the world,” and look forward to a prosperous 2017-2018 academic year. Our UVF Team is “ALL IN” and eager for you to join in continued support of Valley Forge.

If you have any questions, please contact UVF’s chief operating officer at