WEST CHESTER, PA, MAY 5, 2016 – The Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) is a collection of like-minded entrepreneurs focused on business growth, personal development and community engagement. With 157 chapters located in 48 countries, their membership exceeds 11,000 members worldwide. Each chapter provides its members with local resources to learn and grow, including access to executive education events, networking opportunities and mentoring programs. EO members are founders or owners of businesses with a minimum of $1 million in annual sales. The EO chapter serving the Mid-Atlantic region, EO Philadelphia, has partnered with Chester and Delaware County SCORE to launch this new mentoring program. Drawing upon the 100+ experienced and skilled mentors of SCORE, this program will be open to all EO Philadelphia member company CEO’s and their top management.
“Of the more than 300 chapters in the nation, Chester and Delaware County SCORE was named “Chapter of the Year” in 2015. This is quite an achievement and is a testament to the quality of its volunteer mentors, who have attained the highest levels of management and success in business. We at EO Philadelphia are extremely excited that SCORE mentors will now share their skills, experience and wisdom as mentors for our EO members,” said Paul Alford, Mentoring Chairman.
“It can be both rewarding and challenging for our volunteers to mentor an already established business, to help them grow and succeed. We are excited about this great opportunity to work with the many dynamic and energized members of EO,” said Steve Crumrine, Chairman of Chester and Delaware County SCORE.