ART FIX: Make a Difference Through the Arts

ART FIX: Make a Difference Through the Arts

February 25, 2015 ART FIX: Make a Difference Through the Arts

By: Katie Naber



Humane PA Staff Creation

Humane PA Staff Creation

A first ever Humane PA Staff Art Show begins on First Friday, March 6 (5:30-7pm) at The Art Deska Gallery and Humane Society! Artists sharing their artistic creations include: Lorraine Storms, Dr. Misha Neumann, Brittin Zangari, Laura Vinroe, Karel Minor, and Adrienne Trafford.

Enjoy complimentary food and drink, plus acoustic blues and Americana music by The Teachers Lounge, featuring Owen J. Roberts English and Journalism teacher, Jeremy Fox. Assisting with the coordination of this month’s First Friday Exhibition and displaying works of her own is Jane Minor, Owen J. Roberts student, and Humane PA Special Events Intern.



Join Barnstone Art for Kids as a volunteer on Monday, March 16 (7pm), to create “Koins for Kids” bottles. These decoupage bottles are used like piggy banks to collect change to be donated to Barnstone Art for Kids. Pick yours up at the Spring Phoenixville Area School District Art Show to take home, fill with change and return to Barnstone!

Please RSVP to



Musical Accompaniment During an Exhibit

Musical Accompaniment During an Exhibit

The Art Gallery at Franklin Commons opens “The Art of Science” Exhibit on Saturday, March 7 (1-4pm). A unique show with musical accompaniment. Next will be the Artist Equity Association Exhibit of about a 200 member group on Sunday, April 19 (2-4pm). Don’t miss this talent!

Can a radio be a sculpture? Are skin cells art worthy? Find out at Family Art Night on Friday, March 20 (6:30-8pm)! Take a tour, go on an art and science scavenger hunt, and create take home science art. Open to parents and children of all ages.

New opportunities available:

  • Artist Studios for rent
  • Wall space rental
  • Art Classes & Workshops open in the Spring



You’re invited to the Seventh Anniversary Party of Diving Cat Studio Gallery, on March 7 (7:30-11pm). Enjoy live music, champagne and hors d’oeuvres.


TAKE ME TO THE ISLANDSPhoenixville Art Fix 3

Help support Summer Camp Scholarships for kids at the Phoenix Village Art Center. Mark your calendar now for a fundraiser planned for Sunday, March 29, 1-4 pm which provides Summer Camp scholarships based on both need and merit for kids in our community. The 2015 Summer Camp theme is “Take Me to the Islands!”

Learn more by visiting the Phoenix Village Art Center — Summer Camp.

First Friday gallery Openings are held from 6-9pm with new work by various artists. Upcoming exhibits include:

  • March 6: Time Changes Space by Brooke Steytler
  • April 3: Teresa Haag & John Pompeo



Steel City is ready for Spring! Visit the closing reception for the Winter Show on March 8 (12-2pm), and welcome the new Spring Show on March 16. New musical artists perform weekly as well as Open Mic night every Thursday! For more information, visit:



Make Phoenixville Art Fix your destination to watch for upcoming art events in Phoenixville and to support and encourage the arts. To submit an event announcement, contact:

Click here to find more Art Fix posts by Katie.